
Press articles regarding COVID-19, Latinx populations and domestic violence.

the Guardianthe Guardian
Cases typically spike in times of economic crisis – and with most of the US told to stay home, hotlines are worried victims can’t leave
the Guardianthe Guardian
Activists say pattern of increasing abuse is repeated in countries from Brazil to Germany, China to Greece
The New York TimesThe New York Times | By Tanya Selvaratnam
Self-isolation during the pandemic can be dangerous for those in abusive relationships. Resources are limited, but there are options.
Washington PostWashington Post
Hotlines are reporting steady calls for help, while shelters worry they will run out of space before the public health crisis ends
‘My husband won’t let me leave the house’
ABC NewsABC News
As schools close and employees are encouraged to work from home to combat the coronavirus, some experts are concerned about an increase in domestic violence.
For a while now, we’ve continued to push the message that we all need to be staying inside our homes to stay safe, but what does that mean for someone whose home life is anything but safe?
“Abuse is about power and control, and an abuser can use any tool to exert just that, including a national health concern such as COVID-19,”
The hidden toll of Corona-related injuries is on the rise
A school trip to Italy has led to the quarantine of roughly 200 people in Rhode Island, according to the state’s governor. Additional testing sites are to be opened across the state.
Patchwork social service departments are scrambling to address the fallout of coronavirus restrictions, and social workers say vast numbers of at-risk, elderly, sick and disabled Americans will be imperiled. “We are going to see some deaths.”
Montrose Daily PressMontrose Daily Press
The call to the hotline came in on Holly Kasper-Blank’s phone just before dawn last Wednesday. She remembers because she had been trying to get some extra sleep and the…
Psychology TodayPsychology Today
Instilling additional fears in those who need the most support.
What do stay-at-home orders mean for people in abusive relationships? NPR’s Scott Simon talks with Suzanne Dubus, of the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, about the additional challenges of these times
The federal government has waived a law that required an in-person doctor’s visit before patients could be prescribed drugs that quell withdrawal symptoms. That’s a boon for patients, counselors say.
Public health officials say rapid and safe testing is key to reopening the U.S. economy. As the pandemic drags on, health issues emerge related to isolation. We examine virtual sobriety meetings.
People under coronavirus lockdown may be facing extra mental health challenges — with fewer accessible ways to cope
National Latin@ Network Blog
Follow us fir daily domestic violence facts on Facebook and Twitter using #DVAM2016 and #ThisIsDV for daily facts about domestic violence.
The National Latin@ Network for Healthy Families and Communities is a project of Casa de Esperanza that builds bridges and connections among research, practice and policy to advance effective responses to eliminate domestic violence and to promote healthy relationships within Latin@ families and communities.
NBC NewsNBC News
Isolation and financial stress can contribute to domestic violence, police and advocates say.
NBC NewsNBC News
For victims of intimate partner violence, being confined with an abuser can lead to serious safety risks.
Free PressFree Press
Getting and keeping people connected is a life-and-death issue right now. As part of this effort, reporters can play a crucial role in telling community stories.
Despite laws guaranteeing access to health care, non-English speakers in the U.S. often rely on family and friends as ad hoc interpreters — and may misunderstand what doctors think they’re conveying.
League of United Latin American Citizens

Artículos en Español:

La cuarentena mundial provocada por el coronavirus es el caldo de cultivo para la violencia doméstica, advierten expertos. En México, entre enero y febrero, se registraron 632 homicidios contra mujeres, un aumento del 9.1% respecto al mismo periodo del 2019, según el Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública. En Chicago, la situación también se ha agravado.
En tiempos de pandemia, el número de reportes sobre casos de violencia doméstica ha aumentado en algunas ciudades de Estados Unidos. Las parejas se han visto obligadas a quedarse encerradas en sus hogares por lo que, según expertos, se ha agravado la situación.
Los riesgos de violencia doméstica contra mujeres y niñas aumentan en la región, como en todo el mundo. ¿Cómo la enfrentan los Gobiernos y la sociedad civil?
Noticias ONUNoticias ONU
“El COVID-19 podría revertir los limitados logros en materia de igualdad de género y derechos de las mujeres”, advierte el Secretario General, quien urge a los Gobiernos a colocar a mujeres y niñas en el centro de los esfuerzos de recuperación, empezando por reconocerlas como líderes y dándoles representación equitativa y poder de decisión. 
Noticias ONUNoticias ONU
Si hace unos pocos días el titular de la ONU pedía un alto el fuego mundial de todos los conflictos con motivos de la pandemia, ahora ha hecho otro porque lamentablemente la violencia no siempre se limita a los campos de batalla, y la amenaza sobre mujeres y niñas se hace más severa en estos tiempos de confinamiento en el lugar donde precisamente deberían estar más seguras: en sus propios hogares.
Telemundo Nueva InglaterraTelemundo Nueva Inglaterra
Casa Myrna es una de las decenas de organizaciones y albergues que brindan ayuda a víctimas de violencia.
La VanguardiaLa Vanguardia
La cantante y Jack Dorsey invierten casi 4 millones de euros en la lucha contra los abusos
The ConversationThe Conversation
El movimiento feminista debe enfocar sus esfuerzos hacia asegurar que las consecuencias de esta crisis no haga más profunda la discriminación de las mujeres, y ha de elevar su voz para proteger a las que se ven expuestas a la desprotección y, sobre todo, a la violencia.